5 Love Languages - Everything you Need to Know
A few years ago, I read the book written by Dr. Gary Chapman called The 5 Love Languages.
In this book, he describes the different ways we as humans express and receive love.
Once I understood my husband's love language and my own, I was in a better position to communicate effectively with him and tailor my Girl with Game techniques accordingly.
General strategies are great, but it makes it a lot easier when you really know your man.
Here is a breakdown of the 5 love languages
Love language 1: Words of Affirmation
Those who appreciate words of affirmation express affection through spoken words, praise, or appreciation. This means a person craves kind words in the forms of compliments and reassurances that confirm their love. If a person's love language is words of affirmation, they need to hear what the other person is thinking or feeling frequently.
Tip: Give your man a shout-out on social media, praising him for an accomplishment, or give him a specific compliment about how good he looks.
Warning: Be gentle when criticizing or scolding him; your words can harm the relationship and his self-esteem more than you know.
Love language 2: Quality Time
If there is a need to spend quality time alone with a partner to bond, a person yearns to receive another's undivided attention. Enjoying each other's company, being present, and focusing on each other is key.
Tip: Surprise him with a weekend getaway or dedicate time in your day solely for him.
Warning: Put down the cell phone, make eye contact, and ensure the kids are in bed / occupied when communicating with him. Multitasking will make him feel neglected.
Love language 3: Physical Touch
People who need physical touch desire intimacy and affection. This could be in the form of hugging, cuddling, or any form of gentle contact.
Tip: Public displays of affection are appreciated. This could be holding hands, a kiss on the cheek, or a rub on the back. As long as it's subtle and appropriate, it will tangibly demonstrate affection.
Warning: Don't pull away or shrug off a touch. Avoid saying things like "You are annoying me". This is very hurtful for a person whose love language is physical touch.
Love language 4: Gifts
Gift-giving does not always indicate expensive or over the top, and it is often the sentimental gifts that matter most to a person who identifies love in this way. The energy and thought behind the gift matter most because the present symbolizes the other person's love.
Tip: Spend extra time arranging a gift and listening closely to the person's needs or likes.
Warning: Vouchers or gifts given after a special occasion could hurt the other person indirectly.
Love language 5: Acts of Service
For acts of service, a person feels valued when someone performs a helpful activity for the other. It could be running an errand for them, helping them with a task they are struggling with, or making sure the house is tidy and fresh when they come home.
Tip: Try surprising him with something unpredictable. If you have been too busy, dedicate a day to making him his favorite meal.
Warning: He might ask you for favors or errands, not because he's lazy, but instead because he needs reassurance of your love. Be conscious of the difference.
XXX Leandra