Future faking: His manipulation tactic 8

Have you ever been in a relationship where your partner constantly talked about all the amazing things you would do together in the future?
Maybe he promised you a dream vacation, a beautiful home, or even a proposal.
While it might have felt good to hear all these great plans, you might also have felt a nagging sense of doubt or uncertainty.
That's because your partner might have been using a manipulation tactic known as "future faking."
This involves making grandiose promises or plans for the future to create a sense of investment and commitment from the other person.
While it might seem flattering or romantic to be the focus of someone's future plans, it's essential to be aware of this tactic and to take it with a grain of salt.
After all, anyone can make promises or plans for the future, but it takes follow-through and action to make those things a reality.
If you're in a relationship where your partner is constantly future faking, be conscious of not letting yourself be swept up in promises that might not come to fruition.
So why might men use the manipulation tactic known as "future faking" on women?
1. To get what they want:
Some men might use future faking to manipulate women into doing things they might not otherwise be interested in doing. For example, a man might promise a woman a luxurious vacation to get her to agree to sleep with him.
Girl with Game tip - Don't be afraid to say no:
It's crucial that you feel confident in your own decisions and be able to say no when you are uncomfortable with something. If a man is constantly making grandiose promises or plans for the future that you are not ready or interested in, you should feel empowered to say no to him. Pace yourself, and set limits on what you are willing to do.
2:To keep a woman interested:
Some men might use future faking as a way to keep a woman interested in them, even if they have no intention of following through on their promises.
By constantly talking about all the amazing things they will do together in the future, a man might be able to keep a woman hanging on, even if he has no real plans to make those things a reality.
Girl with Game tip - Don't settle:
If a man is constantly using manipulation tactics like future faking, it might be a sign that he is not treating you with the respect you deserve. It's important for you to remember your value and to hold out for a relationship built on genuine respect and care.
3: To boost their own ego:
Some men might use future faking as a way to feel good about themselves. By constantly talking about all the great things they will do in the future, a man might feel a sense of power and control over the woman he is with, which can boost his own ego.
Girl with Game tip - Set boundaries:
It's essential for you to set clear boundaries in any relationship and to communicate those boundaries to your partner. This might involve setting limits on how much you are willing to invest in the relationship or making it clear what you will and will not tolerate.
You protect yourself from being manipulated or taken advantage of by setting boundaries.
4: To cover up their own insecurities:
Some men might use future faking as a way to cover up their own insecurities or lack of commitment.
By constantly talking about all the great things they will do in the future, a man might be able to deflect attention away from his own shortcomings or lack of follow-through.
Girl with Game tip - Trust your instincts:
If something doesn't feel right in a relationship, it's important for you to trust your instincts and pay attention to any red flags that might be present.
If a man is constantly making grandiose promises or plans for the future that seems too good to be true, it might be worth taking a step back and re-evaluating the relationship.
His other Manipulation Tactics
1: Negging
2: Pretender
3: Peacocking
4: Gaslighting

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